Friday, September 12, 2014

Lunches for 9.12.14 - Roald Dahl Day Blog Hop

Tomorrow is Roald Dahl's birthday, and because it is a weekend with no school, the Bento Bloggers & Friends decided to celebrate early with a blog hop.

As a note, I have to post earlier than the others, due to the fact that The Boy's school nurse needs the carb counts for his lunch first thing in the morning. When you click on the button to go on to Bent On Better Lunches, there will be a place holder (and Link Party for Roald Dahl Lunches!) until the other blogs go live, at 10 AM (EST).

We love Roald Dahl in our house and have read most of his books together.  On our recent trip to NYC, we listened to Matilda on audiobook on the drive down.

It's one of my favorite Roald Dahl books.  I love how strong and brilliant Matilda is, and how she doesn't let the horrible people in her life get her down.  Her cleverness and resilience are to be admired.

For the kids' lunches, I recreated a couple moments from the book on tortillas.

"Never do anything by halves if you want to get away with it.  Be outrageous." - Roald Dahl, Matilda

Matilda tortilla sandwich: 20g, lettuce and ranch: 2g, rainbow carrots: 2g, fruit leather books: 23g, watermelon: 5g
The Boy's lunch features Matilda enjoying a book, in the form of a tortilla sandwich with hummus, rosemary ham, and cheese.  The tortilla is on a bed of lettuce, with a little cup of ranch dressing, along with rainbow carrots and some books made out of fruit leather sandwiching over cheddar cheese, and some watermelon in the pink container.  His snack is an Un-Roald-Dahl-ish granola bar (not pictured, 23g)

The Girl has a scene with Matilda and Miss Honey, on the same tortilla sandwich, that I originally made too large to fit into the Easylunchbox.  Oops.
"All the reading she had done had given her a view of life that they had never seen." Roald Dahl, Matilda

I cut it down to fit and put it over a bed of lettuce, along with a cup of ranch dressing, some rainbow carrots, and books made with fruit leather and cheddar.  Her snack is a granola bar (not pictured).

Now, why don't you head on over to Bent On Better Lunches and see what she has in store for you, and if it is past 10 AM EST, hop on through the Bento Bloggers & Friends and see what everyone else has come up with!

What's your favorite Roald Dahl book?


  1. Wow, they are going to be blown away by their lunches!

  2. I love Matilda! Awesome drawings!

  3. WO!! this is awesome! looks exactly like the book I remembered~~

  4. Amazing drawing skills!

  5. So Great! Love the tortilla drawings.

  6. Wow, your tortilla drawings are incredible! Splendiferous lunches indeed :)

  7. These are fantastic, I love both of them! My older son is working his way through the Roald Dahl books at the moment, I think Matilda may have to be next!

  8. Your tortilla art looks wonderful!
