Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Lunches: 10.21.14

Don't miss your chance to win my Vermont Smoke and Cure RealSticks giveaway!  It ends at midnight tonight.

I had a horrible headache while I was packing lunches last night, so they are pretty basic - but delicious, nonetheless.  

Sandwich: 30g, carrots and hummus: 2g, apple slices: 8g, sour cream & onion puffs: 8g
The Boy has a sandwich with hummus and ham, some carrots with hummus to dip in the little container, apple slices, and sour cream and onion puffs.  His snack is a store bought yogurt smoothie (not pictured, 23g).

The Girl has a sandwich with hummus and ham, clementines, apple slices, and sour cream and onion puffs.  Her snack is a yogurt smoothie (not pictured).

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