Thursday, October 23, 2014

Lunches: 10.23.14

I know that lunches have been kind of apple-heavy lately.  It's Vermont.  Apples are in season.  I haven't been grocery shopping in a while.  I'll get some more interesting produce soon.

Danish Pancakes: 34g, yogurt: 12g, apple slices: 4g, carrots: 2g
The Boy has more of the Danish pancake puffs, some vanilla Greek Yogurt, apple slices, and baby carrots.  His snack is a banana (not pictured, 28g)

I made some baked risotto (my go-to way to make risotto.  It might not be traditional, but it is delicious and easy - two of my favorite things) for dinner on Wednesday, served with peas and fire-roasted corn and some pulled pork I made in the crockpot the other day, and The Girl wanted leftovers in her lunch.  She also has some sour cream & onion puffs, and apple slices.  Her snack is a granola bar (not pictured).

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