Thursday, November 13, 2014

Lunches: 11.13.14

Stay tuned for a special Harry Potter Blog Hop later on today - they are from some lunches I made a couple weeks ago, but did not blog (because I was saving them for the hop!).  For Thursday lunches, though, here's what the kids have.

Dumplings with sauce: 20g, apple-carrot sauce: 14g, freeze-dried strawberries: 1g, cookies: 6g
The Boy has some pork dumplings with sauce, carrot-applesauce, freeze-dried strawberries, and chocolate mint star cookies.  He has a cereal bar for snack (not pictured, 28g).

The Girl has some stuffing balls (just some prepared stuffing, scooped into balls and baked), cheese, mango chips, freeze-dried strawberries, apple-carrot sauce, and chocolate mint star cookies.  Her snack is a cereal bar (not pictured).

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