Friday, November 14, 2014

Lunches: 11.14.14

It's Friday!

Sandwich: 20g, strawberries: 1g, blueberries: 5g, apple-carrot sauce: 14g, apple slices: 4g

The Boy has some freeze-dried strawberries and blueberries, a sandwich on a whole wheat roll with hummus, cheese, and turkey, apple slices, and carrot-applesauce.  His snack is a cereal bar (not pictured, 28g).  I got some cool snack talk picks from BentoUSA, and with them, I can leave little messages in the kids' lunches.

The Girl also has some freeze-dried strawberries and blueberries, a sandwich with hummus, cheese, and turkey, apple slices, and a carrot-applesauce.  Her snack is a cereal bar (not pictured).  She has something fun going on after school, so I let her know that I hope that she has a good time.

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