Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Lunches: 11.5.14

I got some Lemongrass Chicken Sticks from Trader Joe's, and I'm trying them on the kids for lunches.  I think they are delicious - The Boy loves lime all of a sudden, so I think he might really dig them.  We'll see.
Chicken sticks: 15g, grapes: 5g, lentil curls: 3g, cheese stick: 1g, pretzels: 4g. apple slices: 4g
The Boy has some Lemongrass Chicken Sticks, a cheese stick, grapes, lentil curls, apple slices, and a few Halloween Pretzels.  His snack is an applesauce (not pictured, 16g).

The Girl has Lemongrass Chicken Sticks, a clementine, mango chips, apple slices, and a few Halloween Pretzels.  Her snack is an applesauce (not pictured).

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