Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Lunches: 1.27.15

It's a little-bit-of-this-and-that lunches for the kids today.
Fruit & Veggie Pouch: 19g, almonds: 9g, crispy crunchy broccoli: 3g, egg: 0g, cookies: 9g, raisins: 18g
The Boy has a fruit and veggie pouch from Fruigees (review to come!), almonds, a hard boiled egg, crispy crunchy broccoli florets, raisins, and some mini chocolate mint cookies.  His snack is a fruit bar (not pictured, 19g).

The Girl has a fruit & veggie pouch from Fruigees, almonds, a hard boiled egg, crispy crunchy broccoli florets, orange slices, and some mini chocolate mint cookie stars.

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