Thursday, January 29, 2015

Lunches: 1.29.15

I had a late work meeting last night, so lunches are a bit of a hurried jumble.  Should I call these "Mom's tired" lunches?

We had crescent rolls with Monterey Jack cheese in them last night with soup for dinner, and so I put leftovers of the crescent rolls in lunches.

Crescent rolls: 25g, almonds: 9g, crispy crunchy broccoli florets: 3g, raisins: 10g, apple slices: 6g
The Boy has two crescent rolls with cheese, almonds, crispy crunchy broccoli florets, apple slices, and raisins.  His snack is a popcorn ball he's been wanting to eat for a while (and I'm finally letting him - not pictured, 22g).

The Girl has two crescent rolls with cheese, almonds, crispy crunchy broccoli florets, apple slices, and raisins.

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