Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Lunches: 2.17.15

It is so cold out this morning (-15 F without windchill), I cannot believe they are not at least giving the kids a 2 hour delay... I'm actually kind of astounded that the buses started.  In any case, the kids have school on this frigid day, so they have lunches.

Biscuit sandwich: 20g, grapes: 5g, carrots & tomatoes with ranch: 5g, apple slices: 4g, gummy roses: 14g
The Boy has a leftover biscuit (made by The Girl - more on that later) with ham, along with grapes, carrots and tomatoes (which he has recently decided he likes!  Score!) with ranch, apple slices, and some gummy roses.  His lunch is packed in a new Easylunchbox Urban - they are lovely.  He has a yogurt for snack (not pictured, 28g).

The Girl made a lovely beef stew last night, along with homemade biscuits, and I will blog the dinner later.  She's really been taking a lot of interest in cooking lately, as you would see if you've been following my Facebook page, and I want to encourage that as much as I can!  For her lunch, she has leftover beef stew, a biscuit, and grapes.  Her lunch is also in the new Easylunchbox Urban.

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