Thursday, March 5, 2015

Lunches: 3.5.15

Today's lunches are brought to you by -

What do you do when you run out of bread?

That's right... when I went to make lunches this morning, I realized that I had no bread.  Oops.  So, I made bread-less lunches.
Carrots, tomatoes, and ranch: 5g, apple slices: 4g, crackers: 6g, ham: 1g, hard boiled egg: 0g
The Boy has baby carrots, apple slices, yellow cherry tomatoes, ranch dressing, ham slices, wheat thins, and a hard boiled egg.  He has a granola bar for snack.

The Girl has baby carrots, half a kiwi, apple slices, ranch dressing, ham slices, wheat thins, and a hard boiled egg.

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