Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Lunches: 4.1.15 - April Fool's!

In past year's, I have had some fun with April Fool's Day.  I couldn't let the day pass without some sort of fun.
"moldy" apples: 16g, blueberries: 5g, sandwich balls: 50g, egg: 1g

For lunch, The Boy has blueberries, some apples balled out with a melon baller and rolled in the leftover green colored graham cracker crumbs from The Girl's birthday (a few of them have caramel on them, too, until I realized that the crumbs stuck without the caramel - much easier, and healthier, too!), along with a square egg (boiled and shaped in an egg mold), and three sandwich balls.  Two of them have jelly inside, and one has a meatball.  For snack, he has a granola bar (not pictured, 22g).

The Girl has blueberries, apple balls rolled in green graham crackers, fish (shaped) egg, and sandwich balls (again - one meatball, two jelly).

The Boy has in his bed last night giggling over a list he was making for April Fool's pranks.. here's hoping nothing is too crazy.

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