Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Lunches: 4.8.15

The Girl doesn't need dinner today for dress rehearsal, because one parent is bringing sandwiches for all the kids.  That's pretty nice.

So, just lunches for the day.

Soup: 25g, sandwich: 40g, grapes: 7g. peppermint patty: 14g
The Boy has some leftover potato ham soup in a thermos, along with a sandwich with hummus. lettuce, and turkey, grapes, and a peppermint patty (leftover from Easter candy).  His snack is a granola bar (not pictured, 22g).

The Girl's lunch is a nice big thermos of the soup (she didn't get to have it for dinner last night, due to her dress rehearsal), along with a sandwich with hummus, lettuce, and turkey, with some grapes and a peppermint patty.

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