Sunday, July 26, 2015

Lunches for an Outing: Camp Pickup #2, Montshire Museum: 7.25.15

The Girl finished up her second week of Girl Scout camp, and we had another great stop at the Montshire Museum before heading home.

She still didn't apply quite enough sunblock on her face, but otherwise she had a great week, and she's already planning on what sessions of camp to go to next year.

At the Montshire, the kids got to play with electric circuits and led lights in the Tinkering Lab, play with lots of bubbles and mist in the bubbles, and so much more.

My mother and I particularly liked the pond life session, where we all got to look at organisms in pond water.  I saw my favorite, a Daphnia, or water flea.

Image courtesy Wikipedia
I have a t-shirt of a daphnia.  It was kind of the mascot of a group of my friends in Sweden.  We were such lovely young geeks.

For lunch, I packed us sandwich thins with muhammara, turkey, and cheese, along with some heirloom mini tomatoes, champagne grapes, and sugar snap peas.

We were visited at lunch by a lovely Great Spangled Frittilary butterfly.  It was one of my father's favorites - a very special moment.

More adventures to come!

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