So... summer totally got away from me and I have so much to catch up on here on the blog! We had a lot of adventures to blog about, and I will be writing a BIG summer catch-up post... but not tonight.
Tonight, I made lunches. Tomorrow, the kids start school. 5th and 8th grade. My, how time flies.
I have now been making lunches for 9 years. I think I started blogging when The Girl was in 1st grade. Insane. I am truly thankful to all of you who read and enjoy my blog.
Before I get down to blogging, I have a BIG announcement!
I am thrilled to announce that I am now writing the Mealtime column for
KidsVT, a local monthly newspaper! My first article is one of my favorite recipes - Hard-Boiled Egg Masala.
Want to read the article?
I will be writing monthly articles for KidsVT, and I will be focusing on introducing international foods to your family in approachable ways.
.... And because I am me, I will be doing my best to pack the meal I've made in lunches!
(I left off the cilantro, because I forgot to get it at the store... oops) |
So, tonight, I made my Hard-Boiled Egg Masala, from the article, for dinner.
And tomorrow, The Girl will have some leftovers in her lunch!
She has a little container of the Hard-Boiled Egg Masala, a long with pieces of Naan, some Palak Paneer (she LOVES this Indian spinach dish!), and some super fun Bollywood popcorn from Trader Joe's! Indian spiced popcorn! It's so good!
Naan roll up: 45g, carrots: 3g, strawberries: 6g, crackers: 4g |
The Boy was less excited about leftovers for lunch. So, he has a Naan roll-up, with Muhammara and ham, along with baby carrots, strawberries, and some crackers. His snack will be an applesauce (not pictured, 15g)
These lunches are packed, as pretty much always, in my beloved Easylunchboxes. I won't lie... I'm pretty excited for this year to come! I think it's going to be a great on! I look forward to sharing my lunch packing (and recipe sharing) adventures with you, and I know it is going to be a wonderful year.
I am in denial that I am going to have a high schooler next year. Nope. Nope. Nope. 8th grade is ok. Let's just focus on the present...