Thursday, September 8, 2016

Lunches: 9.8.16

I got some Pocky for the kids when we went to ComicCon a couple of weeks ago - it was at a Japanese-themed booth.  I know that spring rolls are not Japanese, but the Pocky goes better in these lunches than in a regular lunch with a wrap or the like.

Spring rolls: 22g, fruit leather: 12g, Pocky: 5g, grapes: 6g, ground cherries: 5g

The Boy has two chicken spring rolls (from Trader Joe's), along with Pocky, a fruit leather, ground cherries, and grapes.  His snack is an applesauce (not pictured, 15g).

The Girl has chicken spring rolls, Pocky, fruit leather, ground cherries, and grapes.

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