Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Recipe: King Arthur Flour Chewy Granola Bars

I was perusing the King Arthur Flour website, and found this recipe for Chewy Granola Bars - no nuts required, no peanut butter either (and while I *think* the Girl's classroom doesn't have any nut allergies this year, just to be safe...), and great reviews.  Sounds like a winner to me!  I made some granola bars last year, but I was kind of disappointed in them.  These look much better.
If you follow the link, you will see the King Arthur Flour Recipe.

I did not have their sticky bun sugar, so I used the substitution recommended in the side bar of the recipe.

For add-ins, I used a mixture of chopped dates, jumbo raisins (yellow and regular), cinnamon chips, cinnamon flav-r-bites, and beveri flax seed with berries.  For the liquid sugar, I used real maple syrup.  Because I'm a Vermonter, and maple calls to me.  I did not add in the extra 1/3 c of sugar.

I lined the pan with foil and sprayed it with cooking spray, and pressed the mixture down pretty tightly before baking.

They turned out perfectly!  I can't wait to pack these in school lunches (and my own, too!).  I'll wrap them up and keep them in the freezer.

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