Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Back to School with our Easy Lunch Box and Deliciousness!

Make sure you enter my Food Should Taste Good Tortilla Chip Giveaway!

First Day of 2nd grade for the Girl, packed in our Easy Lunchbox!

Snack is in one of my older bento containers - a chewy granola bar, a spotted fruit roll up, and a juice.

Lunch is a chocolate chip mini bagel (store bought) with cinnamon plum tea jelly, a heart shaped hard boiled egg, a couple cheddar cheese crackers, homemade greek yogurt with vanilla syrup stirred in, some carrots with ranch, and a mini cherry almond princess cake.

Here's to another fantastic school year!  Happy Lunch Packing!

(This post shared on What's For Lunch At Our House)


  1. That looks like such a delicious and healthy lunch ~ you are my role model, lol! One day, I will make and pack such wonderful lunches for my family!! (Today I am making taco pizzas again ... my kids LOVE them so much - thanks for the recipe).

  2. Looks like a good lunch to start the school year
