Saturday, December 4, 2010

Gift Idea for the Lunch Packer: Bento Tools

This is a series of posts I'm going to do about good gift ideas for the lunch packer - or for the follower of my blog!

I want to disclose that I am an Amazon Affliliate, and the links I post are my affiliate links.

Today, I'll be featuring more great tools for lunch packers - bento tools!

One of the most fun tools is hard boiled egg molds.

In the realm of traditional Japanese bento hard boiled egg molds, you can get a car & a fish, a bunny & a bear, a star & a heart, or for even more fun, Hello Kitty (I don't have her yet - but I want her!).

You can also shape hard boiled eggs with Tovolo Ice Cream Sandwich molds.  I have the farm animals, but they also have a set with a star, a heart, and a cylinder, or the Oh-My-Goodness-I-Want-Them set of a Gingerbread Man, a Snowman, and a Snowflake.

Another staple of fun lunch is bento picks.  How about these adorable animal ones?  Or these swirly Wilton "Message" ones?  (I have never tucked a note of any kind into them, but you could)

Silicone cups also make great dividers in lunches.  These square cups are perfect, or you could go the cute route and get some animal shaped ones, or these flower shaped ones.

Have fun, and Happy Holidays!

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