Friday, June 10, 2011

Lunch: 6.10.11 - Final Lunch of the School Year!

Monday is The Girl's last day of school, but it's a half day with an in-school bbq, which I will be going to with her (I'll try to take pics of the food!), so today is the last packed lunch of second grade.

*sigh*  How did that happen?

The lunch for the day is a sandwich with broccoli slaw, ham, cheese, and ranch dressing - we ran out of tortillas - along with some salty pretzel stix from HK Anderson (Don't miss my Giveaway!!), and a mini strawberry rhubarb pie.

I'll keep posting for the summer - probably more of my own and The Hubby's lunches, which I have been packing, but have fallen off from taking pictures of and posting, and of course lots of recipes.

Happy Summer!

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