Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Lunch for the Boy: 9.14.11

Yogurt: 10g, Bus "animal" crackers: 15g

Snack for Wednesday is homemade Greek yogurt with some jelly stirred in (in a silicone push pop mold) with some school bus "animal" crackers.

Fruit salad: 15g, crackers: 8g, salad + dressing: 3g, cheddar + salami skewers: 1g, meatballs: 2g, applesauce: 10g

Lunch is cheddar beet crackers, salami and cheddar cheese on picks, a couple Swedish meatballs (from IKEA), salad with carrots and ranch dressing, applesauce (that container got a lid) and some fruit salad, in an Easy Lunchbox.

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