Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lunch for the Boy: 9.8.11

Yesterday, I mistakenly sent the wrong lunch with the wrong kids.  No one was happy.  The school nurse called to get the carb count on the lunch that The Boy actually had, and he wouldn't eat some of it... I hope I don't make that mistake again!
Raisins: 15g, cheese: 1g, Ogre Bread: 10g
For snack, he has raisins, a cheese stick, and some Ogre Quick Bread.  I'm not sure he'll eat the Ogre bread.... he liked it last time I made, but that was quite a while ago.  We'll see!
Before closing up containers

Closed up - Yogurt: 15g, Watermelon: 6g, Cookie bite: 4g,
Lunch is some watermelon, beet & cheddar crackers, Brocolli & peas with some parmesan cheese sprinkled on them, homemade Greek yogurt with some maple stirred in - in a homemade go-gurt tube made with my food saver, some ABC graham crackers and a couple mini cookie bites, packed in our Easy Lunchbox.

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