Monday, February 27, 2012

Recipe: Pressure Cooker Potato Cheddar Cider Soup

I saw this recipe for Cheddar-Ale Soup on Pinterest, and thought that I would put my twist on it.
Served with No-Knead Oat Bread from King Arthur Flour
I had some Woodchuck Hard Cider in the fridge that I thought would be a good compliment, and I didn't want to buy pre-cooked potatoes, so I turned to me previous (and totally delicious, if I do say so myself!) Pressure Cooker Potato & Ham Soup to use it as a base for alterations using fresh potatoes and quick, convenient cooking!

Pressure Cooker Potato Cheddar Cider Soup

1 large onion, chopped fine
1 stalk celery, chopped fine
2 Tbsp canola oil
1 box (~4 c) vegetable broth
1 12-oz bottle Woodchuck hard cider (or non-alcoholic apple cider, if you prefer)
1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 1/2 c sharp cheddar cheese (Cabot preferred!), shredded
~ 2 tsp salt, to taste

In the pot of  a pressure cooker, saute the onion and celery in the oil until softened, about 5 minutes.  Add the potatoes, the broth, vinegar, and the bottle of hard cider.  Cook on low pressure for 5 minutes, and then allow pressure to release naturally.
After cooking, before pureeing.
Puree using an immersion blender (or by transferring to a regular blender, but this could be treacherous, as things cooked in the pressure cooker are extra hot!!), then stir in the cheese until melted. 
No-Knead Oat Bread from King Arthur Flour

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