Thursday, January 16, 2014

Family Lunches: 1.16.14

Happy Thursday!
Sandwich: 25g, strawberries: 3g, fruit jelly: 5g, apple slices: 4g, Dick & Jane Educational snacks: 16g
The Boy has a ham, salami, spinach, and Cabot cheddar sandwich with strawberries, a fruit jelly, Pinata apple slices, and Dick & Jane Educational snacks.  His snack is a yogurt (not pictured, 12g).

The Girl also has a ham, salami, spinach, and Cabot cheddar sandwich with strawberries, a fruit jelly, Pinata apple slices, and Dick & Jane Educational snacks, and her snack is also a yogurt (not pictured).

The Hubby has a ham, salami, spinach, and Cabot cheddar sandwich with strawberries, Pinata apple slices, and a cupcake from our freezer as a treat.

I have leftover Moroccan Fetteh waffles, with Pinata apples and a fruit jelly.

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