Monday, January 27, 2014

Family Lunches: 1.28.14

I found out last night, thanks to my friend, Bakeaholic Mama, that it was Chocolate Cake Day.  Not one to let such a momentous occasion pass unnoticed, The Boy and I threw together King Arthur Flour's Cake Pan Cake, which is a super quick no-bowl-needed chocolate cake.

I had some when it came out of the oven, but the kids had already gone to bed, so I gave them some in their lunches.. and I have some in mine, too.  It's good stuff.

Sandwich: 30g, applesauce: 15g, Goldfish Puffs: 10g, strawberries: 5g, cake: 18g
The Boy has half a pretzel bun with hummus and ham, along with some Goldfish Cheese Puffs, an applesauce, strawberries, and a small piece of chocolate cake.  His snack is a yogurt (not pictured, 17g)

The Girl has the same lunch, and also has a yogurt for snack (not pictured).

I also have the same lunch (and I am looking forward to it!).  The Hubby has the day off, so no lunch for him, but if I had to guess, I think he might snag some of that cake to have with his lunch...

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