Monday, January 27, 2014

Lunches: 1.27.14

I have leftovers for the kids from the Middle Eastern feast we made with my mother for her birthday, which they loved.
Flatbread: 25g, spinach puff pastry: 10g, apple slices: 6g, carrots & hummus: 3g, fruit jelly: 5g
The Boy has some puff pastry stuffed with onion and spinach, along with pita bread with fig jam and feta cheese.  He also has apple slices, and baby carrots with fresh hummus, and a fruit jelly.  His snack is some Dick & Jane Educational snacks (not pictured, 18g).

The Girl has a pita pocket with garlic, cinnamon, and sumac chicken, along with parsley and Greek yogurt, some bulgar and ground lamb patties, puff pastry with onion and spinach, apple slices, pomegranate seeds, a fruit jelly, and a clementine.  Her snack is Dick & Jane Educational snacks.

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