Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Lunches: 1.14.14

The Girl made dinner on Monday night.  I had picked up some unflavored spinach ramen noodles at the Asian market, and I helped her a little to make a veggie soup with the noodles.  She loved them so much, she wanted the soup for lunch.  I asked her if she just wanted the noodles, and she said, "No, just put the soup in a thermos, and fill an Easylunchbox with fruit and veggies for me."  I like this plan.

So, The Girl has a small thermos of homemade ramen soup with veggies, a banana, strawberries, apple slices, a fruit jelly from the Asian market, and some Dick & Jane Educational snacks.  Her snack is a yogurt (not pictured).
Sandwich: 20g, strawberries: 7g, apple slices: 3g, fruit jelly: 4g, Dick & Jane Educational Snacks: 18g

I only have one thermos (which the kids complained about, and I'll have to remedy soon), so The Boy has a sandwich with salami and Cabot cheddar, along with strawberries, apple slices, Dick & Jane Educational snacks, and a fruit jelly from the Asian market.  His snack is a yogurt (not pictured, 12g)

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