Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Review: The Better Chip

A while ago, I was given the opportunity to try out some great new snacks from The Better Chip.  They contain all natural ingredients and fresh vegetables.  Sounded good to me!  They are also gluten free, which isn't a big deal for my family, but I know it is hard for many on a gluten free diet to find decent snacks.

They come in five different flavors.
Image courtesy The Better Chip

The Jalapeno chips were delicious for me, and for my friends with more adult palate, but they were too spicy for the kids.  They would be amazing with guacamole or a seven layer dip.
Image courtesy The Better Chip
Lunch featuring Red Pepper Chips from The Better Chip

The Red Pepper were also a bit challenging for the children, but I really liked them a lot.

Image courtesy The Better Chip
A very green lunch featuring Spinach & Kale chips from The Better Chip

I think the all-around favorite were the Spinach and Kale chips.  The kids gobbled them down and enjoyed them in their lunches, and I love how packed with veggies they are.

Image courtesy The Better Chip
A lunch featuring The Better Chip corn chips
The Corn chips were not your every day corn chip.  They were slightly sweet and crispy and simply delightful.  They didn't taste greasy at all.

Image courtesy The Better Chip

Finally, the Sweet Onion chips.  These were also a hit.  They are the only non-vegan option, as they have white cheddar in them.  I could eat these all day - and my kids, who claim not to like onions, liked them a lot, too.

 There is a store locator on their website, but if you can't find them locally, you can get them on Amazon.  I plan on stocking up on them, and I hope that you give them a try, too.  It's fun to have a snack that you feel good about giving your family.

Disclaimer: I was sent a sample box from The Better Chip to try out free of charge, but was in no other way compensated for my opinion. All opinions are my own.

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