Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Family Lunches: 4.2.14 plus some April Fool's Fun

I didn't have any good ideas for April Fool's lunches, but I had some good ideas for dinner!

The meatloaf cake has been around the internet for quite some time, and I think I have even made it before.. but it is fun, and makes for good leftovers.

The Girl also wanted to make "dinner" to my "dessert" meatloaf cake, and I let her serve the "mashed potatoes and ketchup" (ice cream with strawberry syrup) as a first coarse.  It went over well - can't imagine why.
Meatloaf "cake": 25g, carrots and hummus: 4g, strawberries: 5g. chocolate bunny grahams: 23g
For lunch on Wednesday, The Boy has leftover meatloaf "cake," carrots with hummus, strawberries, and chocolate bunny grahams.  His snack is a couple pieces of apple and two Blueberry Belvita breakfast biscuits (not pictured: 20g)

The Girl also has leftover meatloaf "cake," carrots with hummus, strawberries, and chocolate bunny grahams. Her snack is an apple and a couple Blueberry Belvita breakfast biscuits (not pictured).

The Hubby also has leftover meatloaf "cake," apple slices, strawberries, and chocolate bunny grahams.

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