Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Lunch for The Boy: 4.1.14

The Girl is home sick again, so today's post is just lunch for The Boy.  I know that it is April Fool's Day, but I had no good inspiration for lunches.. maybe I'll do something for dinner.

Teriyaki noodles: 20g, hummus and carrots: 4g, Chocolate bunny grahams: 21g, strawberries: 5g
The Boy has some teriyaki noodles (I'll report back about how he liked them cold, and if it is positive, I'll post a recipe), carrots, hummus in the blue elephant container, strawberries (with a mustache), and chocolate bunny grahams.


  1. Love the light in your photo, Astrid! and yum! Terryaki noodles! :)

    1. The sun was actually shining when I took the picture! Amazing, I know... it's been a long, grey winter. He said that he heated up the noodles. ;)
