Monday, September 8, 2014

Family Lunches: 9.9.14

It's Picture Day for The Girl this Tuesday, so I have a little nod to it in her lunch.

I am trying out pea shoots in our pitas.  I love sprouts, but have never tried them on the kids.  I think they will like them.  Let's see.

Pita sandwich: 20g, blueberries: 5g, Goldfish: 6g, plantain chips: 7g, berry applesauce: 19g
The Boy has a pita with hummus, pea shoots, rosemary ham, and cheddar, along with blueberries, Goldfish crackers, berry applesauce, and plantain chips.  His snack is a granola bar (not pictured, 22g)

The Girl has a pita with hummus, pea shoots, rosemary ham, and cheddar, along with some blueberries, Goldfish crackers, berry applesauce, and plantain chips.  She also has a granola bar for snack (not pictured).

I also have the same lunch as the kids - think I set up assembly-line style to make them? ;)  No granola bar for me, though.

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