Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Lunches: 11.19.14

Lunches are not all that inspired today.  We were up late last night, because I brought the kids to a book signing by Jeff Kinney, the author of Diary of a Wimpy Kid.  The signing was a 40 minute drive each way, and then we stood in a line (with some activities along the way) for over an hour...

But, I'd say it was worth it.  It was also fantastic seeing so many kids there, all clutching books in their hands.

I was thinking of making Diary of a Wimpy Kid lunches for today, but I just had no energy for fancy lunches.  Thus, easy and simple lunches.

Egg: 0g, cheese: 1g, crackers: 20g, freeze-dried strawberries: 1g, grapes: 8g, apple slices: 4g
The Boy has a hard boiled egg (wrapped in saran to keep other things from getting damp), cheese, crackers, freeze-dried strawberries, apple slices, and grapes.  His snack is a cereal bar (not pictured, 28g).

The Girl also has a hard boiled egg, cheese, crackers, freeze-dried strawberries, apple slices, and grapes.  Her snack is a cereal bar (not pictured).

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