Thursday, November 20, 2014

Lunches: 11.20.14

One week until Thanksgiving, and visions of pies and turkey are dancing in my head... I cannot wait to make my Shoofly pie and my Apple Butter Pie!  What's your go-to pie?

For now, though, it's lunches.
Wrap: 20g, grapes: 6g, freeze-dried strawberries: 1g, apple slices: 4g, cookies: 6g

The Boy has a wrap with salad, hummus, and turkey, along with some grapes, apple slices, freeze-dried strawberries, and mini chocolate mint star cookies.  His snack is a cereal bar (not pictured, 28g)

The Girl has the same thing - wrap with salad, hummus, and turkey, with grapes, apple slices, freeze-dried strawberries, and mini chocolate mint star cookies.  She told me that she doesn't need a snack today.

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