Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Family Lunches: 1.7.15

Sandwich: 45g, yogurt; 8g, applesauce: 4g, cucumber: 1g

For Wednesday lunch, The Boy has a sandwich on homemade bread with pesto, turkey, and cheese, along with a yogurt, apple slices, and cucumber slices.  His snack is a cereal bar (not pictured, 28g).

The Girl has a sandwich on homemade bread with pesto, turkey, and cheese, with a yogurt, orange slices, and an apricot.

I have a sandwich on homemade bread with pesto, turkey, cheese, and a slice of sweet sriracha bacon jerky - I think tomorrow, I will pack Bacon Jerky BLTs, but for today, I wanted some of that flavor in my sandwich.  I also have an apricot, apple slices, and cucumber.

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