Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Recipe: Sweet Sriracha Bacon Jerky BLTs (with Hard Boiled Egg)

Sometimes, I see something and I know that I have to try it, and to make delicious things with it.

Sweet Sriracha Bacon Jerky.  Yup, that was one of those things.

I have a whole list of recipe ideas in my head for this delicious stuff, other than just gobbling it up straight out.

On the top of that list was making a BLT with it.

The bacon jerky is simply delightful.  It's got a kick of spice to it, with a hint of sweetness.  It's crispy and just a little chewy.  In short, it's shelf stable bacon, spiced up.

Let's say that again.  Shelf. Stable. Bacon.

For my BLT, I toasted up a little slider bun with a little butter on it, then put a thin layer of mayonnaise on top.  Then came the lettuce, thinly sliced heirloom cherry tomatoes, a slice of hard boiled egg, and finally, the sweet sriracha bacon jerky.

This may be perfection in a sandwich.

You could, of course, make these full sized instead of miniature... but, if you've been reading for any amount of time, you know that I have a weakness for all things mini.  These will work perfectly in lunches - at least for The Hubby and for myself.  I have to let the kids try the bacon jerky.  It might be too spicy for them.  The sandwich tunes down the spiciness a lot, so they might just like it.

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