Monday, June 8, 2015

Lunches: 6.8.15

It's the last Monday of the school year!

The Boy was supposed to have a barbecue and field trip to the park... but it is forecasted to rain all day. I packed him a lunch, but I have the day off, so if they do end up doing the barbecue in-school, I will go in to enjoy it with him, and save his lunch for tomorrow.
Lahmacun on flatbread: 35g, sesame sticks: 10g, strawberries: 6g, yogurt pretzels: 14g
In the case of rain, his lunch is some leftover Turkish Lahmacun on Middle Eastern flatbread, sesame sticks, strawberries, and yogurt covered pretzels.  His snack is a strawberry applesauce (not pictured, 14g)

The Girl has leftover Turkish Lahmacun on Middle Eastern flatbread, sesame sticks, strawberries, and yogurt covered pretzels.

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