Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Lunches: 6.9.15

It's the last full day of the school year!  Tomorrow, the kids have half days, and they are being given lunches.  For the occasion, I've made.. normal lunches.  I completely neglected to shop for anything interesting or special for this end of the school year.  It's been a busy week, and it's only Tuesday...
Pretzels: 14g, applesauce: 8g, sandwiches: 18g each, sesame sticks: 10g, raisins: 6g
The many adventures of summer, and their lunches, are to come... and plenty of recipes, along with the continuation of the International Cooking Challenge.  So, rest assured - the blog will not lay quiet over the summer!

For this final lunch of the school year, The Boy has some berry applesauce, yogurt pretzels, sesame sticks, raisins, and a couple salami sandwiches on mini buns.  His snack is a strawberry applesauce (not pictured, 14g).

The Girl also has berry applesauce, yogurt pretzels, sesame sticks, raisins, and a couple of salami sandwiches.

I hope that the school year has been fantastic for all of you, as it has for us!

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