Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Lunches: 5.10.16

I was so excited when I saw cherries at the store!  So was The Girl... though The Boy is not into them... he will be much happier when I bring a watermelon home.
Wrap: 20g, carrots: 3g, cheese: 1g, green beans: 2g, apple slices: 8g, strawberries: 4g

The Boy has a wrap with greens, ham, and muhammara, along with a cheese stick, carrots, crispy green beans, apple slices, and strawberries.  His snack is a granola bar (not pictured, 20g).

The Girl has a wrap with greens, ham, and muhammara, along with a cheese stick, carrots, crispy green beans, cherries, and blackberries.

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