Monday, May 9, 2016

Lunches: 5.9.16

Happy Monday!  I hope that you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!  The only thing I asked for was for the kids to clean the kitchen, and you know?  They did a pretty decent job, with only minimal nagging about it.  And me?  I got a nap.  I'd say that's a win.
Sandwich: 40g, cheese: 1g, strawberries: 6g, green beans: 4g

For lunch this Monday, The Boy has a sandwich with green tahini dip and turkey, a string cheese, strawberries, and some crispy green beans.  His snack is a granola bar (not pictured, 24g).

The Girl has leftover pasta, Italian bread, a string cheese, strawberries, and crispy green beans.

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