Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Recipe: Jicama Salad

Ah... Jicama.
Jicama in it's waxy peel

It's white.  And it's White Day in Rainbow Week... so, I bought it to see if The Girl will eat it.  I also made Jicama "Fries," and I feel all fancy.  Like one of those chefs on tv - "Jicama Two Ways."
All peeled.

I've only ever had jicama shredded at a local Brazilian restaurant before.  Now, I know a couple ways to prepare it.

This recipe includes carrots (I used the yellow - almost white - ones) and apple (peeled, so it's white, too).  If you aren't doing a "white theme," it would be yummier with skin.  Granny smith would be fabulous.  And you could add in some red onion.  This recipe doesn't make very much - maybe 2 cups total.

Jicama Salad

~1/2 c jicama (this was about 1/8th of my giant jicama), peeled
2 small carrots, peeled
1 small apple, peeled and cored
2 Tbsp plain Greek style yogurt
1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 tsp sugar
salt, to taste
I only used a small amount of that huge jicama

Julienne jicama, carrots, and apple and combine in a small bowl.

Stir in yogurt, vinegar, and sugar.  Serve as is, or refrigerate.

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