Monday, January 2, 2012

Lunch for The Boy: 1.2.12

Happy New Year!  Don't miss your chance to enter my Funbites Giveaway!
Granola: 10g, Yogurt: 8g

The Boy has some homemade Greek yogurt and some fresh granola for his snack.

Dumplings: 21g, salami: 1g, cheese: 1g, applesauce: 13g, fruit salad: 8g, cookies: 14g
His lunch is a fruit salad of blueberries and strawberries, some turkey salami (cut with a Funbites cutter! It works much better for lunch meat than for apples), some pork & leek dumplings from the Asian market, a babybell, an applesauce, and a couple oatmeal raisin cinnamon chip cookies (made with the recipe on the back of the Hershey's cinnamon chip bag).

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