Sunday, January 1, 2012

Recipe: Mimosa Roll (Not-Fit-For-Kids!)

Be sure to enter my Funbites Giveaway!

For New Year's Eve, we stayed home and had a couple friends over.  The Hubby cooked his famous chicken parm, which I will someday get him do guest blog for me, but he seems to want to keep his recipe a secret... silly man.  I decided to do something fun and festive for dessert.

I saw this beautiful champagne mousse on Sprinklebakes and I knew I wanted to try it... but not as mousse.  How about as a cake roll?  And how about with orange?  Voila - Mimosa Roll!  I'll just link to the recipes I used, with pictures..

I started off by making an orange cake roll, according to this recipe I found on Allrecipes - the only change I made to the cake was to add some orange extract to it, to up the orange flavor a bit.

I have never had success with a cake roll before... but I really love them and they are beautiful, so I wanted to give it another try.  This time, it came out perfectly!  This is not the last cake roll you'll see here.  The Hubby has already requested a chocolate raspberry cake roll.  And I really want to make a Bouche de Noel next year, to honor The Hubby's French-Canadian heritage.  With meringue mushrooms.  Because they are awesome.

I found King Arthur Flour cake flour at the grocery store.  I was thrilled.  I wonder if that was the secret to it coming out so well?  

For the champagne mousse, I followed Sprinklebakes recipe.  And I have the sore forearms to prove it.  The Hubby even helped me, and it was a lot of whisking.   In the end, it was worth it.

I filled the cake roll with some of the champagne mousse, and then piped more on top, serving with a slice of orange.  A drizzle of chocolate would have been wonderful... next time, maybe...

This is rather boozy.. so the kids had cookies for dessert.  :)

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