Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Review & Giveaway: Science Lab Cookie Cutters

Science Cookie cutters!!  Seriously.  These things are made for me.  I don't know if all of my readers know this about me, but I work full-time as a molecular biology research technician in a biochemistry lab.

Between that and my slight obsession with cookie cutters that may be apparent to my followers, how could I not fall in love with geeky cookie cutters?

The good people at Science Lab Cookie Cutters were kind enough to send me a set of their chemistry cutters - the set includes a beaker, a flask, a test tube, and an atom. 

These cookie cutters are not small.  They make big giant cookies.  And they'll be perfect for sandwiches.  I can't wait for the chance to use them. 

Mad Scientist enjoying an edible test tube!  (She's actually quite nice, and not mad at all)
If you recall, my friends and I decorated some cookies for my annual cookie decorating party in a rather geeky manner, even without wonderful proper geeky cutters.  They are all chomping at the bit to get a chance to decorate these! 

Mmmm, flask!
I didn't decorate these cookies, because I didn't have the chance to do so, but they are wonderful plain.
Another delicious flask!
The recipe I used to make these cookies was from Bake at 350.   They got rave reviews from my scientist friends. 
Science-y me, with a beaker I'll eat, and a beaker that it wouldn't be a good idea to eat.
His name is Adam, and he's contemplating the atom.
Do you want to play with them?
Delicious atom!
Yummy beaker!
You're in luck!  Science Lab Cookie Cutters sent me a second set to give away to one of my lucky readers.  Want to win?  All you have to do it leave a comment about what kind of geeky cookie cutter you would most like to see.  I will not require you to "like" Science Lab Cookie Cutters on Facebook, or my blog, but you should, because it makes me happy, and I bet it makes them happy as well.

As always, I need a way to contact you.  Anonymous commenters, with no contact information, cannot win.  If I can't contact you, I can't send out your prize to you.  Simple as that.

One comment per person, please.  US entries only, please.

I will choose a winner, using Random.org, on Sunday, July 22nd, at 6 PM ish, EST.

Disclaimer:Science Lab Cookie Cutters sent me a set of their chemistry cookie cutters free of charge, and provided the prize I will send to the lucky winner, but I was in no other way compensated for this review.  No scientists were harmed in the eating of these cookies.


  1. Spaceships, real and fictional! Serenity, Enterprise, Eagle, Columbia...

  2. That's awesome!! I didn't even know such a thing existed!! I'm going to have to say that I like the Atom the best because it could easily be used as many different things!

  3. Probably anatomically correct organ cookie cutters. Geeky, yes, but also great for Halloween. :)

  4. Of course I want an entire set of Doctor Who cutters. Daleks, Oods, a Fez, 3D glasses, a giant striped scarf, K-9, Tardis, etc etc etc .... but the Science Lab cutters are pretty cool, too. I know of at least one particular kidlet who would probably enjoy them quite a lot :)

  5. Oops! Did not read the directions completely! I would love to see cookie cutters in the shape of neat insects!

  6. Doctor Who cookie cutters! I want to see the tardis.

  7. Since my DH and sons are all Star Wars fans, Star Wars cookie cutters of any kind would be the choice around here. However, my husband is a chemistry teacher, so the science lab cookie cutters would be great too!

  8. I want cookie cutters of Rocket ships, space ships, the planets, UFOs that has the option to stamp/press the details onto the dough/breads.

  9. I could use a set of cookie cutters for the Secret Benedict Society. My son would love that.

  10. My nerdy heart just went pitter patter! I agree about the Doctor Who cookie cutters! TARDIS! But, I'd be cool with a lab coat cookie cutter. :)

  11. I want atomic symbols. Then you can spell things with them....

  12. I would love a set of square cutters that leave an imprint of the elements. Would make awesome sammies and periodic table cookies :D

  13. I agree with the others about Dr. Who cutters - they would make my whole family giddy with delight!

    (you can contact me at http://www.beneficial-bento.com/ )

  14. I love your cookies!! That cookie cutters are awesome! I would love to have a "blender" cookie cutter! and of course these cientific ones! :)

  15. Hmmm... Facial features, probably. A set of face bits.

  16. Skeleton bone cookie cutters! Great for Halloween and studying anatomy! Thanks! Contact at mrsginnym@hotmail.com

  17. I would love Periodic Table cookie cutters :)

  18. All of the above ideas are great! Since microbiology is my thing, I would live to see a set with pathogens. HIV, Flu, rhinovirus, TB, etc... ;p

  19. I would love:chromosomes, nuclei, adipose cell, atom and the beaker. All of the current cookie cutters are wonderful too. >~~~* jdjones

  20. FB" janice Jones...the anonymous above

  21. I would love these cookie cutters! My husband is a chemistry prof and my kids love science too.

  22. :) These are way too cool! Beth the Biochemist

  23. I'm a different kind of geek - a computer geek! I actually think computer cookie cutters would be totally boring...BUT...Star Wars? Yes please.

  24. Love these - I would use these science ones for sandwiches for my son who loves science.

  25. I love these! My littles would too :) I also would love to have some space cookie cutters...

  26. These are great! We'd love to see bugs, like different beetles or flies!
    mommastaci33 at yahoo dot com

  27. Oooh, fun shapes - and sandwich size too!
    I would love a TARDIS & a Dalek in these sizes!

  28. Too fun and so much potential. Love your blog and found it just today. Great photos
    teacherLaudan at hotmail dot com

  29. My degree is in psychology, so I would love to see them make a brain-shaped cookie cutter. Maybe different parts of the brain that could be put together to make the whole brain!

  30. Super fun cookie cutters!

  31. These are such fun! They would be great for a mad science party!

    jdaniel4smom @aol. com
