Saturday, October 20, 2012

Lunches for an Outing: 10.19.12 - Shelburne Museum

Don't miss my Cabot giveaway!

The kids had Friday off school because of teacher inservice, and I had promised them that I'd take them to a fabulous history museum, which is closing for the season next week.  This was the day.

Unfortunately, it was a rainy, drab day.  And the museum includes a lot of walking.  Outside.

Fortunately, my kids had their rain gear.  Off we went!

I was so happy that we brought our lunches... I got a coffee at the cafe, and the woman in front of me had two waters, a soup, and a piece of pizza - and it cost her $12.50!!!  Yipes! 

We had maple peanut butter & jelly sandwiches on homemade honey wheat bread (with orange coloring), Naturebox Sticks & Stones mix, in an pumpkin silicone cup, a prune muffin, and a clementine for The Girl and myself, and a blueberry applesauce for The Boy, in Easylunchboxes.

Huge dollhouse and miniature collection
The Ticonderoga, steam ship on the land.  Awesome.
These apothecary drawers were for spices!  The kids thought I should get some for the kitchen. 
TARDIS! (In a Time Travel, Robots, and Steampunk exhibit.

All in all, a good outing.  We were there all day, and it wasn't crowded... so that's something!

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