Thursday, October 3, 2013

Family Lunches: 10.3.13

We all have leftovers from Cuban Wacky Worldly Waffle Wednesday in our lunches for Thursday.

Waffle sandwiches: 25g, grapes: 5g, raspberries: 5g, apple slices: 5g, Goldfish puffs: 8g
The Boy has a couple of Black Bean & Rice Waffle sandwiches with turkey, raspberries from my CSA, grapes, Goldfish puffs, and apple slices.  He has a banana for snack (not pictured, 28g)

The Girl also has a couple Black Bean & Rice Waffle sandwiches with turkey, raspberries from my CSA, grapes, Goldfish puffs, and apple slices, with a banana for snack (not pictured).

The Hubby has a couple Black Bean & Rice Waffle sandwiches with turkey, apple slices, Goldfish puffs, and grapes.

I have a couple Black Bean & Rice Waffle sandwiches with turkey, fried plantains, grapes, and

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