Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Lunches: 10.30.13

Wednesday!  I made lunches yesterday, but didn't blog them... it was that kind of day.
Rolls: 26g, Raisins: 15g, carrots: 1g, Fruit & Veggie pouch: 17g
For Wednesday lunch, The Boy has a couple pizza rolls, a squeezable fruit & veggie pouch I got from Goodies Box (and we just found out they are discontinuing their service.. so sad!), raisins, and carrots.  His snack is Dick & Jane Educational Snacks (not pictured: 18g)

The Girl has a couple pizza rolls, a squeezable fruit and yogurt pouch (also from Goodies Box), carrots, and orange slices.  Her snack is a Sunbutter & Chocolate Granola bar (not pictured, also from Goodies Box).

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