Thursday, October 31, 2013

Lunches: 10.31.13 - Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

I busted out some more of the wafer paper for sandwiches today.  And temporary tattoos for the bananas.  :)
SandWITCH: 35g, cheese: 1g, banana: 28g, beans: 20g, crackers: 8g
The Boy has a sandwich with Cabot cheddar and jelly, with wafer paper on top.  He also has a cheese stick, a tattooed banana, green bean crisps (got them at the grocery store - delicious!), and cinnamon crackers.  His snack is some Dick & Jane Educational snacks (not pictured, 18g)

The Girl has a sunbutter and jelly sandwich (she is not allergic to peanut butter, but she tasted sunbutter at school and begged me to get it for her!) with wafer paper on top, with a cheese stick, banana with tattoos, beet chips (also dehydrated, from the store), with some cinnamon crackers.  Her snack is Dick & Jane Educational snacks (not pictured)

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