Monday, November 11, 2013

Lunches: 11.11.13 - Kid Made!

The kids decided to make their own lunches last night, and they both did a really great job!

Ham & cheese: 1g, strawberries: 4g, carrot & dip: 1g, bagel: 14g, Dick & Jane Snacks: 18g, yogurt raisins: 10g
The Boy wanted to use his Yumbox (and it actually makes packing a balanced lunch really easy for the younger set, as it outlines what to put in each compartment).  He has strawberries, slices of yellow carrot with dressing for dipping, Cabot cheddar cheese, a slices of honey ham, Dick & Jane Educational snacks, and a quarter of a gingerbread bagel with pumpkin cream cheese, as well as a couple strawberry yogurt raisins for a treat.  He has a yogurt for snack (not pictured, 12g).

The Girl has a little Caesar salad (she put the dressing on before I could stop her), pear slices, gingerbread bagel with pumpkin cream cheese, and some ham and cheese, in an Easylunchbox.  She also has a yogurt for snack (not pictured).  Do you think the kids are ready for snow, with the picks that they chose?

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