Thursday, November 7, 2013

Lunches: 11.7.13

Don't miss my giveaways for the Weelicious Lunches cookbook, Dick & Jane Educational Snacks, and the Robicelli's: A Love Story, with Cupcakes cookbook.  I will have more reviews and giveaways coming up next week - so stay tuned!
Salad: 2g, quiche: 10g, apple slices: 4g, strawberries: 3g
For Friday lunch, The Boy has Caesar salad, quiche that I made for dinner on Thursday, apple slices, and strawberries.  His snack is yogurt (not pictured, 12g).

The Girl also has quiche (hers has asparagus), Caesar salad, apple slices, and strawberries.  Her snack is also yogurt (not pictured).

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