Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Family Lunches: 1.9.14

I made Brazilian inspired waffles for Wacky Worldly Waffle Wednesday, and we all have various leftovers in lunches.
Waffle sandwiches: 20g, Fruit jelly: 5g, raisins: 10g, Choco-Boy: 5g, apple slices: 8g, Glögg Cake: 10g
The Boy didn't love the Brazilian chicken salad, but he loved the waffles, So, he has cheesy waffle sandwiches with salami, apple slices, a bit of my mom's Glögg Cake, a small container of raisins in an animal container (I got them when there was an Easter clearance a couple years ago), another small container of Choco-Boy biscuits, and a fruit jelly from the Asian market.  His snack is some Dick & Jane Educational snacks (not pictured, 18g)

The Girl loved the Brazilian Chicken salad, so she has leftovers in a wrap, along with pear slices, a piece of Glögg Cake, raisins and Choco-Boy biscuits in the animal containers, and a fruit jelly.  Her snack is some Dick & Jane Educational snacks (not pictured)

The Hubby has cheesy waffle sandwiches with ham, apple slices, and some Glögg Cake.

I have a Brazilian Chicken salad wrap, with pear slices, and a piece of Glögg Cake.

Happy leftover lunches all around!

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