Friday, April 3, 2015

Lunches: 4.3.15

Happy Friday!  Spring is finally here (for the moment - there's snow expected for Easter.  Because, of course there is).

The kids played outside in their shirtsleeves for about two hours last afternoon.  I drank a cup of coffee in the afternoon sun.  It was glorious.  I'm hoping for more of the same soon!

Sandwich: 35g, apple slices: 10g, plantain chips: 7g

For lunch, The Boy has a sandwich with hummus, lettuce, and turkey, along with yellow tomato slices (separated from the sandwich with a silicone baran) to put on the sandwich.  He also has plantain chips and apple slices.  His snack is some crackers with pepperoni (not pictured, 12g).

The Girl has a sandwich with hummus, lettuce, and turkey, along with yellow tomato slices to put on the sandwich.  She also has plantain chips and apple slices.

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